🛠️ Troubleshooting for Secret Network users

Here are some troubleshooting tips for $SCRT holders.
Written by Keplr Agent
Updated 3 years ago

  • Why can't I see my Secret tokens?
    Because Keplr requires a viewing key to access the balance of your tokens, you may need to manually add the token for you to be able to see it.

    1. Please go to Keplr Extension
    2. Select ‘Secret Network’ > ‘Menu’ > ‘Add Tokens’ 
    3. ‘Input the token contract address’ > ‘Select ‘Create’ under ‘Viewing Key” > and ‘Submit’
    4. Note that you may have to wait up to 1-2 minutes (depending on network conditions) for the token to show up.
  • Getting Error related to the viewing key
    Please make sure to watch this tutorial from WhisperNode and ask for technical assistance to the Secret Network Core Devs inside the Secret Bridge dedicated support channel #bridge-support.
  • The Secret Bridge is not working
    Please make sure to watch this tutorial from WhisperNode and ask for technical assistance to the Secret Network Core Devs inside the Secret Bridge dedicated support channel #bridge-support.
  • What is the Secret Bridge Mining Initiative?
    Please read this blogpost: you can find further information related to the Secret Bridge on the Secret Network Official social media channels.
  • Why did my Secret Bridge transaction fail?
    There may be a lot of reasons why your transaction failed. Some common reasons are as follows:

    • Your transaction fee was set too low, and while it may have been successful, Keplr wasn’t able to verify the status of your transaction. Please make sure to check your address on a block explorer and wait 5-10 minutes before trying another transaction.
    • You want to deploy in the Secret Bridge more than your available balance (and/or not taking into account the transaction fee). Make sure that the total amount chosen + fees is less than your total available balance.

    If you think that your case is none of the above, please ask for assistance on the Discord #bridge-support channel.
  • Why did my transaction to claim $SEFI fail?
    There may be a lot of reasons why your transaction failed. Some common reasons are as follows:
    • Your transaction may have been successful but because of network congestion, Keplr wasn’t able to verify the status of your transaction. Please make sure to check your address on a block explorer and wait 5-10 minutes at least before trying another transaction.
    • The network is congested: please try again later
    • You have no $SEFI to claim

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