Intro to IRISnet ($IRIS)

Learn more about IRISnet, an Interchain Service Hub.
Written by Keplr Agent
Updated 2 years ago

Introduction to IRIS Hub

Token: $IRIS

IRISnet (a.k.a IRIS Hub) is an Interchain Service Hub designed to support the next generation of distributed applications. Built with Cosmos-SDK, IRIS Hub enables cross-chain interoperability through a unified service model, which supports not only token interchain transfer but also trustworthy data consumption and computation invocation across heterogeneous systems(public blockchains, consortium blockchains and legacy systems). IRIS Hub also provides a variety of modules, such as Coin Swap, HTLC, and random numbers, to support DeFi applications. IRIS Hub is the first self evolutionary blockchain launched in the Cosmos ecosystem.

IRISnet dev teams include Bianjie (, a national award-winning blockchain technology team based in Shanghai, and Tendermint (, the world-famous team that created the Tendermint consensus engine and the Cosmos project. Visit the official website, follow the official Twitter account & join the Telegram channel.

  • Is Uptick supported by Keplr?
No, it is not supported at this time.

  • How can I stake IRIS with Keplr?
Find the tutorial here:

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